Hello! My name is...

Jasper de Vries

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About me

Hello! I am Jasper de Vries, A programmer, web developer, 3D creator and videographer. Since 2011 I started my journey to become a filmmaker and studied graphic design with a focus on audiovisual media and animation. During those years I've developed my skills by doing multiple live-action projects and working on our own animated short. I continued by going to the University of the Arts in Utrecht to get a Bachelor of Design by following a course in 3D animation and growing an interest in programming during my internship and short film projects. I developed multiple tools to improve and speed up our workflow, which helped tremendously.

After graduating I started working in the Visual Effects industry and working on a variety of commercials and promotional video content. Next to doing 3D work for these projects, I would also work on developing software and tools that could be used for the production, efficiency and tracking of these projects.

Eventually I put my focus more in development, specifically web development and worked at multiple agency's where I would work on web shops, promotional websites, web apps and a complete design system.

After all these experiences I am putting all my skills to use and will give you the creative media solution that you need! This could be a website, 2D or 3D animation, video or photo, graphic design or any other digital media. Just leave a message on the contact page and we can have a chat about where I can be of service to you!